The Solana blockchain has been down for almost two hours due to a bug in the durable nonce transactions feature, which has prevented the network from advancing.

Nondeterminism emerged as a result of the problem, with nodes producing various results for the same block.
Engineers are preparing new releases (v1.9.28/v1.10.23), which temporarily disables the durable nonce transactions functionality until a patch is deployed, according to Solana status tweet.
The account further stated that network state and funds are secure, and that validator operators are planning a restart from the highest confirmed block in public on Discord channel mb-validators.
The network has been hit by a wave of blackouts and service failure more than three times this year alone, the most recent of which lasted up to seven hours in the first week of May and upset traders who watched their portfolio values collapse while unable to sell tokens.
The hard fork restart in May, unlike previous disruptions, did not result in new-and-improved code populating the validators. It simply picked up where the network had left off seven hours before, and it’s unclear whether the developers will make any changes this time.
While Solana’s climb to the top tier of crypto’s main alternatives to Ethereum has been rapid, the network’s reliability has been questioned due to a surge of bots, disruptions, and instability.
The outage today has also had a negative influence on Solana token (SOL), which has plunged as low as $39.51, wiping out all of its three-day gains.