Ethereum’s switch to proof-of-stake is becoming closer and closer after a core Ethereum developer confirmed on a possible date for the mainnet Merge.

The Ethereum Merge, which will see the blockchain switch to proof-of-stake, may occur earlier than anticipated after core developers published a preliminary Merge date of September 15. (PoS).
In a Thursday developer call, core developers including Tim Beiko and Terence Tsao, co-founder of Prysmatic Labs, decided that the Ethereum mainnet Merge date would be when Total Terminal Difficulty (TTD) reaches 58750000000000000000000.

This was verified in the “Tentative mainnet TTD” GitHub post that Beiko committed on Thursday.
The success of the multiple testnet merges may be a good indication that the Ethereum mainnet will smoothly switch to proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus next month, even though the precise date and TTD are still subject to change.
The new official timeline is at least three days earlier than the date of September 19 predicted by Tim Beiko, an Ethereum core developer.
The Total Terminal Difficulty (TTD), a large number that indicates when proof-of-work (PoW) will cease and proof-of-stake will start, is given. The total needed difficulty (TTD) for the last block to be mined before the switch to PoS.
The Bellatrix fork, which will put the software needed for clients to operate the consensus layer, must be carried out before the Merge can be finished. This is scheduled to happen on Sep. 6, roughly 10 days before the Merge.
Following the Sepolia merge on July 7 and Ropsten on June 9, the Goerli testnet was the final testnet to successfully complete its own switch to PoS on Friday.
The energy use of the Ethereum network is anticipated to decrease by more than 99.99% following the Merge. It will be able to fend against network threats, and scalability will increase.
ETH has increased by almost 100% from its lows to move above $1,900, according to CoinMarketCap. The network has a $237 billion market cap and is still the second-largest cryptocurrency by market cap.